Saturday 4 February 2023

First finished models of 2023 - Uruk-hai Warriors and Ugluk

At the beginning of the year I made a wish to finish more miniatures than I did last year, and it seems that I already fulfilled it! I managed to paint and base twelve models - 11 uruk-hai warriors and Ugluk. Those models had seen battle before they have seen most of the paint (they were at the third step from the list below when I played the game). The only models from those games that are not on the photo below are an orc banner-bearer (he was a stand-in for his uruk counterpart that I simply don't have right now) and Lurtz (painted when I was eleven years old - he needs to be stripped of paint and painted anew).

I am really happy with how they turned out, especially with my current limited abilities. As the base of the scheme I used the tutorial from Warhipster, but I decided to use slapchop where possible and that neccessitated some small changes. Below is the scheme step by step.

  1. Black basecoat (Chaos Black in this case)
  2. Heavy drybrush Administratum Grey (Citadel)
  3. Drybrush Matt White (Army Painter)
  4. Iron Warriors (Citadel) on all the parts that are supposed to be metal
  5. Hardened Leather (Army Painter) on all the skin (I tried Cygor Brown as in the tutorial, but it was too dark and I didn't want to do any manual highlights on the "slapchoped" parts afterwards, so I used a lighter brown transparent paint).
  6. Ratling Grime (Citadel) on the hair of the warriors and the head in Ugluk's hand, and a mix of Gravelord Grey (Army Painter) and Speedpaint Medium (Army Painter) on Ugluk's hair
  7. Wyldwood (Citadel) on the skirts of the warriors and most of Ugluk's coat and the leather parts of his gauntlets
  8. Gutrippa Flesh (Citadel) on the head in Ugluk's hand
  9. Pallid Bone (Army Painter) on Ugluk's whip
  10. Grim Black (Army Painter) on the hafts of the pikes and all the leather straps and belts on the models
  11. Targor Rageshade (Citadel) on all the metallic parts
  12. Agrax Earthshade (Citadel) on the metal plates
  13. Iron Hands Steel (Citadel) as an edge highlight (a gentle drybrush would probably work better, I'll try it on the next batch)
  14. Ushabti Bone (Citadel) on all the teeth
  15. Base: black rim, Game Geeks Scenics Base Ready Moorlands, Wasteland Tufts
Painting them took 5 evenings, I sat down to paint between half past 8 pm and half past 9 pm and finished at around 11 pm. It was longer than slapchop takes usually, but most of the time was actually spent on metals and fixing mistakes. Keep your fingers crossed for them not to be the only miniatures that I painted this year!