Thursday 4 May 2023

Backlog Additions # 1: First months of the year

My brain likes numbers - this is why for some time now there are two info boxes on the right-hand side of the page. One of them contains played games - I don't feel up to the task of writing battle reports afterwards. Maybe at some point I'll start doing so, but I don't see it happening in the foreseeable future.

The other box contains three types of models - bought, assembled and painted. Up until now I just wrote down the numbers, without explaining what I bought or what I put together (I do show what I've painted, as this is the main goal of this hobby blog). I really have to organize the Pile of Shame site, as it is just inadequate and contains a fraction of what is actually waiting in queue - as you can easily guess from the fact, that this year I've painted quite a number of models and none of them was from what I listed there.

So yeah, that's one thing. Organizing the page, and making another one to contain links with finished models divided into armies and projects. The other thing is showing what I buy when I do it. Thus far this year the only models I bought are those you see above - Captain Messinius and the Soulshackle box. I do have some things ordered and I'll show those in due time. Oh, ok, I've forgotten, there is also one model in a box of paints I bought last month as well and it's not in this picture - It's a Nox for Infinity, hopefully he'll get painted alongside the other Shasvastii I bought in 2020!

As for the assembled models, sometimes "assembling" will be gluing them to a base, sometimes it will require lots of parts to come together to form a mini and I'll try to post that stuff as well, not only write it down in the box on the right.

I thought that I'll  be able to show you some more finished goblins, but I've painted half of the unit and didn't base them yet, so I don't consider it done.

That's all for today, see you next time

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